Rabu, 20 Maret 2019

It Not the How or the What but the Who Succeed by Surrounding Yourself with the Best eBook Claudio FernándezAráoz PDF Reader XFE

It Not the How or the What but the Who Succeed by Surrounding Yourself with the Best eBook Claudio FernándezAráoz ebook HTP

It Not the How or the What but the Who Succeed by Surrounding Yourself with the Best eBook Claudio FernándezAráoz ebook It%20Not%20the%20How%20or%20the%20What%20but%20the%20Who%20Succeed%20by%20Surrounding%20Yourself%20with%20the%20Best%20eBook%20Claudio%20Fern%C3%83%C2%A1ndezAr%C3%83%C2%A1oz


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ebook It Not the How or the What but the Who Succeed by Surrounding Yourself with the Best eBook Claudio FernándezAráoz HTP

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  • Succeed by mastering the art of the who

    Why surround yourself with the best? Because it matters—in all aspects of life.

    In fact, in professional environments, getting people right—what global leadership authority Claudio Fernández-Aráoz calls “the art of great ‘who’ decisions”—marks the difference between success and failure. To thrive, you need to identify those with the highest potential, get them in your corner and on your team, and help them grow. Yet surprisingly very few of us are able to meet that challenge.

    This series of short and engaging essays outlines the obstacles to great “who” decisions and offers solutions to address them in a systematic way. Drawing from several decades of experience in global executive search and talent development, as well as the latest management and psychology research, Fernández-Aráoz offers wisdom and practical advice to improve the choices we make about employees and mentors, business partners and friends, top corporate leaders and even elected officials.

    The personal stories and cutting-edge studies described in the book will help you understand both your own failings and the external forces commonly at play in staffing decisions. The author shares concrete recommendations on how to select the best people, bring out their strengths, foster collective greatness in the groups you’ve assembled, and create not only better organizations but also a better society.

    Starting with the cases of pioneer Jeff Bezos and Brazilian tycoon Roger Agnelli and continuing with individual and corporate examples from around the world, Fernández-Aráoz paints a vivid picture of what great “who” decisions look like and presents a fresh and commanding argument about why they matter more than ever today.

    ebook,Claudio Fernández-Aráoz,It's Not the How or the What but the Who Succeed by Surrounding Yourself with the Best,Harvard Business Review Press,Human Resources Personnel Management,Management,Skills,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Human Resources Personnel Management,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Management,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Skills,BUSINESS ADMIN MGMT - HUMAN RESOURCES,BUSINESS ADMIN MGMT - MANAGEMENT,Business Economics,Business Economics/Management - General,Business Economics/Organizational Development,Business / Economics / Finance,Business/Economics,Employee selection,Employee selection.,Employees,Employees;Recruiting.,GENERAL,General Adult,How-to/Do-it-yourself,Human Resources Personnel Management,Management,Management - General,Non-Fiction,Organizational Development,Personnel human resources management,Personnel And Human Resources Management,Personnel management,Personnel management.,Recruiting,Skills,United States,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Human Resources Personnel Management,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Management,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Skills,Business Economics/Management - General,Business Economics/Organizational Development,Management - General,Organizational Development,Business / Economics / Finance,Personnel And Human Resources Management,Employee selection,Employees,Personnel management,Recruiting,Business Economics,Business/Economics,Personnel human resources management

    It Not the How or the What but the Who Succeed by Surrounding Yourself with the Best eBook Claudio FernándezAráoz Reviews :

    Succeed by mastering the art of the who

    Why surround yourself with the best? Because it matters—in all aspects of life.

    In fact, in professional environments, getting people right—what global leadership authority Claudio Fernández-Aráoz calls “the art of great ‘who’ decisions”—marks the difference between success and failure. To thrive, you need to identify those with the highest potential, get them in your corner and on your team, and help them grow. Yet surprisingly very few of us are able to meet that challenge.

    This series of short and engaging essays outlines the obstacles to great “who” decisions and offers solutions to address them in a systematic way. Drawing from several decades of experience in global executive search and talent development, as well as the latest management and psychology research, Fernández-Aráoz offers wisdom and practical advice to improve the choices we make about employees and mentors, business partners and friends, top corporate leaders and even elected officials.

    The personal stories and cutting-edge studies described in the book will help you understand both your own failings and the external forces commonly at play in staffing decisions. The author shares concrete recommendations on how to select the best people, bring out their strengths, foster collective greatness in the groups you’ve assembled, and create not only better organizations but also a better society.

    Starting with the cases of pioneer Jeff Bezos and Brazilian tycoon Roger Agnelli and continuing with individual and corporate examples from around the world, Fernández-Aráoz paints a vivid picture of what great “who” decisions look like and presents a fresh and commanding argument about why they matter more than ever today.

    ebook,Claudio Fernández-Aráoz,It's Not the How or the What but the Who Succeed by Surrounding Yourself with the Best,Harvard Business Review Press,Human Resources Personnel Management,Management,Skills,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Human Resources Personnel Management,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Management,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Skills,BUSINESS ADMIN MGMT - HUMAN RESOURCES,BUSINESS ADMIN MGMT - MANAGEMENT,Business Economics,Business Economics/Management - General,Business Economics/Organizational Development,Business / Economics / Finance,Business/Economics,Employee selection,Employee selection.,Employees,Employees;Recruiting.,GENERAL,General Adult,How-to/Do-it-yourself,Human Resources Personnel Management,Management,Management - General,Non-Fiction,Organizational Development,Personnel human resources management,Personnel And Human Resources Management,Personnel management,Personnel management.,Recruiting,Skills,United States,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Human Resources Personnel Management,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Management,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Skills,Business Economics/Management - General,Business Economics/Organizational Development,Management - General,Organizational Development,Business / Economics / Finance,Personnel And Human Resources Management,Employee selection,Employees,Personnel management,Recruiting,Business Economics,Business/Economics,Personnel human resources management

    It's Not the How or the What but the Who Succeed by Surrounding Yourself with the Best - edition by Claudio Fernández-Aráoz. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading It's Not the How or the What but the Who Succeed by Surrounding Yourself with the Best.


    Product details

    • File Size 2568 KB
    • Print Length 256 pages
    • Publisher Harvard Business Review Press (May 13, 2014)
    • Publication Date May 13, 2014
    • Sold by  Services LLC
    • Language English
    "" [Review ]

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